“In Praise of Learning” by Bertolt Brecht [Projectcensored.org]

When this was written in 1931 the Weimar republic had died and Hitler was on the road to power.

Brecht, of course, was the great [playwright] and poet of the early part of the 1900′s. His poem, “In Praise of Learning” is more important now than ever! Here it is in its entirety! – Danny Weil

Study from bottom up,
for you who will take the leadership,
it is not too late!
Study the ABC; it is not enough.
but study it!
Do not become discouraged, begin! You must know everything!
You must prepare to take command,now!
Study, man in exile!
Study. man in the prison!
Study, wife in your kitchen!
Study, old-age pensioner!
You must prepare to take command now!
Locate yourself a school, homeless folk!
Go search some knowledge, you who freeze!
You who starve, reach for a book: it will be a weapon.
You must prepare to take command now.
Don’t be afraid to question, comrades!
Never believe on faith.
see for yourself!
What you yourself don’t learn
you don’t know.
Question the reckoning
you yourself must pay it
Set down your finger on each small item. asking:
where do you get this?
You must prepare to take command now!

[Actually I believe these are lyrics from a song within Brecht’s play “The Mother” (Die Mutter). If anyone can point to other online versions of this poem, please notify me as I’m not quite satisfied with the layout of this one – Zuo Shou]

Article link: http://dailycensored.com/2011/06/14/in-praise-of-learning-by-bertolt-brecht/

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